Yesterday Today and Tomorrow June 18, 2024

Even with all the patterns I have watched and there were lots of them, we did not get a major quake this current time line. So till I see another pattern emerge we are without a current time line although I have not checked all the reports today its possible we have a pattern starting but at this time I have not checked.
Frequently we will get one timeline end and another begin within a few hours depending on the activity I am watching. So till further notice we are not in a current timeline theoretically that means we can’t get a major quake but this month we have the added impact of the major quake that I am watching for in relationship to the Eclipse of March 2024. Will this over ride a timeline connection? I have no idea.
E-Mail for a copy of my ” Cheat Sheet “ a list of the most common symptoms and locations and foods to help protect you from radiation please send an email to please include your location city, state, or Country. I am also available for questions, feedback or observations 503-999-5745 text or voice 24 hrs. March 1, 2024 © Please feel free to share but not on social media
Noteworthy: We are not in a current timeline hopefully this means that nothing larger than a 7.0 will hit anywhere till we are in a new timeline.
Largest Quake
5.9 Tonga

5.6 Northern Peru
5.2 Kermadec Islands
5.0 Off The Coast of Colima Mexico
5.o Vanuatu
All 4.0-4.9 Events
Solomon Islands, Mindanao Philippines, Taiwan, Near Coast of Nicaragua, Lombok Region Indonesia, Valparaiso Chile, North Island NZ, Minas Gercias Brazil,Nias Indonesia, SW Ryukyu Islands Japan, Molucca Sea, Northeaster Iran, Izu Islands Japan, Oaxaca Mexico, Revilla Gigedo Island Region, South of Java Indonesia, Peru/Ecuador Border, El Salvador, Southeastern Iran, New Guinea Papua New Guinea, Antofagasta Chile, Yevreyskaya Avt Oblast Russia, Keptanimbar Region Indonesia, North Coast of Southern Peru,
Hawaii near Pahala x 7, Western Texas near Van Horn x 2, Southern CA near Palm Desert, Northern CA near Chester, Northern CA near Red Bluff, Baja CA MX near El Centro, Northern CA near Willows, Central CA near Mammoth Lakes, Baja CA MX, near San Felipe MX , S. CA Greater Los Angeles area near Fontana, Virginia/ NC border near Sparta x 2, Oklahoma near Ponca City, Northern CA near Fairfield, Baja CA MX near Ensenada, Central CA near Hollister, Baja CA MX, Campo Pesquero El Colorado MX, Oregon offshore near Newport, Western Texas near Loving, Northern CA near Covelo, N CA near Beatty, Southern Alaska near Anchor Point, Western Texas near Pecos, Oklahoma near Enid, Baja CA MX near San Vicente MX, New Hampshire near Haverhill, Oklahoma near Watonga, Southern CA near El Centro, Arkansas near Tuckerman.
Indonesia: Ibu, Semeru, Dukono, Lewotobi,
Ecuador: Reventador
Italy: New Activity at Mt Etna Started on the 17th
Solar Activity:
One CME with Filament on the back side of the Sun. Activity continues with low level M class and C class flares
So the activity is about what I expected.
More info as it becomes available.
Will finish the update soon I am going to go ahead and post this but check back in about 8:30-9 PM for final update for today.
Symptoms Observations and Areas of Expected Activity
Major symptom today was again headache. Mostly Frontal and over brow bones classic volcanic activity. As I have said before it feels like something hitting me repeatedly with a large object. But then as I began to say, there as a group for lack of a better word of volcanoes that tend to trigger each other. It can begin with any of the volcanoes I will be listing, St Helen’s Mammoth Lakes, Popo in Mexico Etna in Italy and Kilauea. So with Kilauea refilling its magma chamber Etna erupting St Helen’s activity ramping up… its all connected for me.
The leg pains were a bit less today because there were quakes in Ecuador and Peru which tie into the areas where I was experiencing the leg pains. The chest pains were kind of strange, mostly it was just pressure but 3 times I got a sharp jab usually connected fro S CA into Mexico, Mexico proper Mt Etna/Sicily, Chest pressure more like a water quake or a volcanic event Then I had the R side chest pains again which would be Puebla MX.
Sternum pains tonight so something is moving Usually Sternum pains only go with solar events so there is likel more going on behind the sun. Earaches today one and then the other or at one time both ears.
R ear is more into Taiwan Leeward Windward Trinidad Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, and the L ear is more China Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. The stomach pains with this activity /symptoms then looking at Borrego Springs and Nepal. Still have the L rib pains and the R shoulder blade pains. So vision is not too bad today I can do the computer and cell phone without reading glasses.
Finally the Leg pains again just hit. So watch more for Ecuador and Peru Central America. Also watching Chile, and hopeful that it will calm down we do not need a repeat of the activity over the week end in 4 states, involving multiple shootings with more than 100 injured and at least 25 dead. No Chile did not do this, but I assure it it had a bearing on the spur of the moment events, over reaction to events, anger rage, road rage, shootings, murders and domestic violence as well as suicides go way up during times of high Chile activity. Also persons who are on medication for mental health issues such as Bi Polar or manic issues often need their medications adjusted. Don’t take chances if someone wants to pass you, let them pass, if they want the parking spot of wanted let them have it. Watch for anger and raised voices in stores. Lack of patience which is about the only symptom I get with Chile other than headaches L eye pains, neuralgia and pain on the L side of the face.
Headache heart stomach and back pains also go with Turkey. Very low back pains into the sacrum. More for the Wasatch and New Madrid. Solar activity continues with sternum pains so expect more flares.

If I had to list some locations to watch I would say Chile, Turkey, China, Japan, Mexico and Oklahoma as well as Italy, Etna, Home Reef and Kermadec Islands. Some concern although mild about S CA only due to the heart pains. Then as I said it would likely be Imperial Valley. Watching Wasatch and New Madrid OK TX, AR, AL, KS, VA, NC/SC, NJ, IL, TN, MO and ID, UT, CO and MT, NM. Maybe even SD. Not all maybe none will be hit but this is what I am seeing in my patterns Also watching Home Reef Tonga.. this I feel is going to be a problem sooner than later.. also Iceland, Azores, S Africa, Straits of Gibraltar, Canary Islands, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Morocco all the locations connected to the African Plate.
Tonga- FijiEl / San SalvadorIndia Bulgaria Iceland
Mid Lower back pains both sides  sharp painsHorn honking sounds headacheL sharp earache can include stomach painsNo Specific
R side headache Stomach pain
St Helen’s
Etna, Popo
Mt Hood Rainier
Axial Seamount
Nepal  Myanmar Kashmir BangladeshSwitzerland France GermanyChile Bolivia
L side back of head pain heartR side headache Stomach painL side heart ears sharp stomach painNo Specific symptomsL head face eye heart emotions
Taiwan  Leeward Windward Trinidad Virgin Islands Puerto RicoOceania
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Kermadec Is.
Japan  Honshu
Hokkaido Kyushu, Bonin Islands
Ryukyu Volcano Isl. Tokyo
Peru Brazil Columbia
Costa Rica
R deep ear pain HeadacheL rib pains under arms to waistL shoulder blade pains heart if over 6.0R leg, knee, thigh, ankle painsL leg, knee, thigh ankle pains
Kuril IslandsSolar FluPhilippines VolcanicAlaska VolcanicHawaii  Volcanic Kilauea Mona Loa
R side shoulder blade painsSudden pain or pressure on the sternum through to the back. Pain from sternum to navel Mimics Gall Bladder attack

R side headache also over brow boneR side headache Stomach painR side head, ears, and heart pains
Northern CA Eureka to the bay SF Bay proper. The Geysers, Crescent City, Healdsburg, Cloverdale Etc.Sierras 
Mammoth, Mono
Bridgeport Coso Junction Bishop Ridgecrest China Lakes
Offshore N. CA
Eureka to SF Bay Loma Prieta Quake Zone.
Santa Cruz, San Jose, Morgan Hill
Imperial Valley Borrego Springs
Brawley, El Centro Westmoreland, Ocotillo.Gulf of CA Baja CA Mexico
Temple to temple headache ears pain plugged pressured achy heartTingling
The real time symptom for avalanche slide
Headache heart stomach painsTemple to temple headache achy heart and ears YawningSharp heart, headache, Jabby stomach pain
Landers  Yucca Valley Big BearLos Angeles Hollywood Northridge Simi ValleyOregon Offshore Newport, Coos Bay Bandon Gold Beach Port OrfordOregon Woodburn Canby Salem Bend K Falls Eugene Roseburg Gales Ck.Washington
Vancouver Tacoma Seattle, Bellevue, Bellingham
Stomach pain, heart low back Seismic FluSharp heart pains center head painsHeadache temple to temple ear, heart vision blurredHeadache frontal earaches achy heart blurred vision dizzyL side headache back of head pains and vertigo
Spain Azores
South Africa
Canary Islands and La PalmaStraits of Gibraltar
No Specific SymptomsNo Specific symptomsNo Specific SymptomsBack of head pains and L side stiff neck.No Specific Symptoms
Italy  Crete Sicily
Coalinga Fresno Bakersfield Castaic
Puebla  MXWhittier Palm Springs Pasadena Mt PalomarFrogs pulses
6.0 or greater events
Sharp heart and earachesAchy heart head ears stomachR side chest pains headacheSharp earaches Jabby heart painsSmall pulses that hit just under the skin
Dodecanese Is.
Greece  Turkey
Michoacan Guerrero
Ionian  Seas
Molucca Flores Banda Celebes Seas
Achy heart head stomach pain mid upper back painSharp heart pains migrainesSharp heart pains migrainesNo Specific SymptomsFull upper back pains migraines
Java Jakarta
Irian Jaya
Nias  Banda Aceh
 The Geysers
Gilroy Hollister Cobb  Tres Pinos  Los Banos Pinnacles
Healdsburg Cloverdale
The Dominos
Mariana Samoa Solomon Santa Cruz, Vanuatu  Admiralty Marshal Loyalty Caroline
Tonga Fiji
AZ  NM  CO  
New Madrid
L side migraine and full upper back painsTemple to temple headache ears plugged and achy heartR rib pain and can mimic Indonesia symptomsLow back pains stomach flu symptomsLow back pains intestinal flu symptoms
APRIL 2024

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